10 Reasons You Will Never Get Out of Debt

Buried under a pile of past-due bills? Follow these tips to pay off what you owe and get yourself back on firm financial footing.

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Do you feel as if you’ll be in debt forever? You’re not alone. According to a 2019 survey by CreditCards.com, 25% of Americans with debt say they’ll never be able to pay off all of the money they owe. That’s a discouragingly large number of people who expect to carry their debt to the grave.

If you’re in this situation, step back, set aside the despair and ask yourself how you got here in the first place. Here are 10 common reasons people fall deep into debt and can’t get out of it. Identify the reasons that apply to you, then formulate a plan using our effective strategies to conquer the root causes of your debt.

Cameron Huddleston
Former Online Editor, Kiplinger.com

Award-winning journalist, speaker, family finance expert, and author of Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk.

Cameron Huddleston wrote the daily "Kip Tips" column for Kiplinger.com. She joined Kiplinger in 2001 after graduating from American University with an MA in economic journalism.