An annuity is an insurance contract where you, the purchaser, pay an insurance company to invest your money, allowing it to grow tax-deferred. In some instances, the annuity later provides a stream of income, which could cover a set length of time or be for life. Annuities can be complicated and they’re not for everyone. Before considering an annuity, there are some basics you should know, including what annuities are, what options they provide and how safe your money will be. Start with our beginner's guide: everything you should know about annuities then work your way through our other features and guides.
Five Ways to Lower Your Risk in Retirement
If you're losing sleep at night worrying about your investments, you might want to consider the benefits of protecting at least some of your principal.
By Mike Decker, NSSA® Published
Five Questions to Ask Before You Buy an Annuity
Annuities come with different provisions and costs. Before you buy one, make sure to ask the right questions, like these five.
By David Rodeck Published
What You Should Know About Annuities
What to know about annuities, which are seen as a reliable source of retirement income.
By Elaine Silvestrini Published
Why Annuities Sometimes Sound Too Good to Be True
The devil is in the details with multifaceted products like fixed indexed annuities, so dig beneath the rosy sales pitches to see what you’re really getting.
By Ken Nuss Published
Annuities: 10 Things to Know
annuities As interest rates increase, so does the appeal of annuities. How much do you know about these insurance products?
By Sandra Block Last updated
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Transform Your Retirement Plan With This Powerful Combo
If you're a retiree looking for the trifecta of income, liquidity and legacy in your retirement plan, consider combining a QLAC and an HECM.
By Jerry Golden, Investment Adviser Representative Published
Annuities: What They Are and How They Work
Annuities are a controversial product, but in some cases it makes sense to consider one as part of your retirement plan.
By Jacob Wolinsky Last updated
Got a Hot Rate on a Money Market Account? Think Again
After taxes and inflation, the real return you get may not be as good as you think. Here's another approach to consider: fixed deferred annuities.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
Confused by Annuities? Making Sense of the Different Types
Many investors aren't sure if annuities are a good option for meeting financial goals. Let's look at the different categories, along with their pros and cons.
By Kris Maksimovich, AIF®, CRPC®, CPFA®, CRC® Published