5 Great Foreign Stocks Selling at a Discount

Foreign markets account for more than half of the world's stock market value and boast a growing share of its corporate powerhouses.

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Foreign markets account for more than half of the world's stock market value and boast a growing share of its corporate powerhouses. In the wake of stock market declines in early 2018, investors who have a long-term mindset can find attractively priced stocks overseas, including the five listed below. All of the shares trade in the U.S. as American depositary receipts.


Prices and other data are as of May 18.

Contributing Writer
Igor Greenwald is chief investment strategist of MLP Profits and managing editor of The Energy Strategist, both owned by Investing Daily. He also serves as an investment analyst at Investing Daily's Personal Finance newsletter and contributes to a blog at Forbes.com. A former financial columnist, newspaper editor, foreign correspondent and online producer, he lives in Massachusetts.