Laid Off Near Retirement? How to Prepare for What’s Next

While this is a very stressful time, it’s also an opportunity to reassess values, visions and dreams and get plans in place for the future.

An older woman looks forlorn with a box of belongings from her office after being laid off.
(Image credit: Getty Images)

From tech to finance to retail, tens of thousands of U.S. workers are facing widespread layoffs — and employees nearing retirement age are likely bearing the brunt of them.

If you’ve been laid off, you need to be prepared to recalibrate your wealth management and retirement strategy from the ground up. The good news? Now you have ample time to take a step back, assess your priorities and get a solid financial plan in place.

Here are four steps you can take to stay on track with your financial goals if you’re laid off near retirement.

Stephen B. Dunbar III, JD, CLU
Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Executive VP, Equitable Advisors

Stephen Dunbar, Executive VP of Equitable, has built a thriving financial services practice where he empowers others to make informed decisions and take charge of their future. He and his team advise on over $3B in AUM and $1.5B in protection coverage. As a National Director of DEI for Equitable, Stephen acts as a change agent for the organization, creating a culture of diversity and inclusion. He earned a bachelor's in Finance from Rutgers and a J.D. from Stanford.