Kip 25 Update: Vanguard Dividend Growth

As momentum stocks lose favor, this dividend-focused fund should pick up steam.

Benchmarks don't mean much to Don Kilbride, manager of Vanguard Dividend Growth (symbol VDIGX). "My performance against any benchmark is interesting, but at the end of the day it doesn't inform how I manage the fund," he says. So Kilbride, who is a partner at Wellington Management (which runs Dividend Growth and a number of other Vanguard funds), isn't particularly worried that his fund has trailed the market recently.

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Nellie S. Huang
Senior Associate Editor, Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Nellie joined Kiplinger in August 2011 after a seven-year stint in Hong Kong. There, she worked for the Wall Street Journal Asia, where as lifestyle editor, she launched and edited Scene Asia, an online guide to food, wine, entertainment and the arts in Asia. Prior to that, she was an editor at Weekend Journal, the Friday lifestyle section of the Wall Street Journal Asia. Kiplinger isn't Nellie's first foray into personal finance: She has also worked at SmartMoney (rising from fact-checker to senior writer), and she was a senior editor at Money.