5 Blue-Chip "Marijuana Stocks"

The legality of cannabis – marijuana – within the United States is a gray area.

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The legality of cannabis – marijuana – within the United States is a gray area. It’s illegal in all forms at a federal level, but the nation’s Drug Enforcement Agency and other law-enforcement arms have largely decided to turn a blind eye to states that have legalized cannabis one way or another.

Nevertheless, the cannabis industry to date remains fragmented, served only by relatively small marijuana stocks and private companies that lose money more often than not. The missing ingredient: scale, or size.

While so-called “mom ‘n’ pop” shops may be able to eke out reliable profits, attempts at mass marketing have largely been fiscal failures. The cannabis business needs bigger backers if it’s going to become a mass-market product. But Fortune 500 companies have mostly opted to steer clear given the inconsistent and unclear legalities.

That’s changing, though. A handful of large, prominent companies are signaling that this market is becoming big enough to address. Today, we’ll give you a rundown of five blue-chip “marijuana stocks” to watch. Just note: These are enormous multinationals bringing in billions of dollars in revenues. Merely dipping a toe into the cannabis business won’t make these stocks suddenly double overnight. Instead, they offer ways to invest in sound, profitable businesses … with the potential for a little additional marijuana upside.


Data is as of Sept. 25, 2018.

James Brumley
Contributing Writer, Kiplinger.com
James Brumley is a former stock broker, registered investment adviser and Director of Research for an options-focused newsletter. He's now primarily a freelance writer, tapping more than a decade's worth of broad experience to help investors get more out of the market. With a background in technical analysis as well as fundamental analysis, James touts stock-picking strategies that combine the importance of company performance with the power of stock-trade timing. He believes this dual approach is the only way an investor has a shot at consistently beating the market. James' work has appeared at several websites including Street Authority, Motley Fool, Kapitall and Investopedia. When not writing as a journalist, James works on his book explaining his multi-pronged approach to investing.