Estate Planning? Four Strategies for Leaving Assets to Your Heirs

No family is exactly like another, so here are some considerations to help you decide which distribution strategy best suits your situation, values and goals.

An older man signs a document at a table, only his hands and torso showing.
(Image credit: Getty Imates)

When reviewing your estate plan, how you distribute your assets to your beneficiaries isn’t always a simple decision. In addition to determining how to best divide assets among heirs, you must also think about how and when the beneficiaries can access their inheritance and then ensure that these provisions are outlined clearly in your estate planning documents.

With estate planning, every situation is unique, and what works well for one family might not work for another. While there is no right or wrong way to distribute an estate, there are a few considerations to keep in mind to help determine which strategy aligns best with your circumstances, values and goals.

Indrika Arnold, CFP®
Senior Family Wealth Adviser, The Colony Group

As a Senior Wealth Adviser at The Colony Group, Indrika Arnold provides clients with financial planning services while helping the firm develop and refine Family Office services. She is a financial professional with 15 years of experience. Indrika serves ultra-high net worth individuals and families, and she focuses on all areas of planning. She has a particular interest in helping to prepare the next generation to be responsible stewards of their inherited wealth.