How We Rank Private Colleges

Our rankings measure academic quality and affordability, with quality accounting for two-thirds of the total.

Our rankings measure academic quality and affordability, with quality accounting for two-thirds of the total. We started with data on more than 1,000 private institutions provided by Peterson's, then added our own reporting. Our list ranks the top 50 universities and liberal arts colleges in separate tables. To determine each category, we used the Carnegie classification system, which organizes institutions based on the highest level and number of degrees offered.

Admission rate is the percentage of applicants offered admission. SAT or ACT shows the percentage of the 2006-07 freshman class who scored 600 or higher on the verbal and math components of the SAT, or 24 or higher on the ACT. Student/faculty ratio is the average number of students per instructor. Graduation rate is the percentage of freshmen who earned a bachelor's degree within four years or within five years.

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