Stimulus Update: Is It Working?

Three months after President Obama signed the $787 billion stimulus plan into law, the White House is issuing new statements reaffirming its belief that the bill will create or save 3.5 million jobs, Republicans continue attacking it as wasteful pork-barrel spending and communities are fighting over who gets the money.

Three months after President Obama signed the $787 billion stimulus plan into law, the White House is issuing new statements reaffirming its belief that the bill will create or save 3.5 million jobs, Republicans continue attacking it as wasteful pork-barrel spending and communities are fighting over who gets the money. So is the stimulus working?

That, of course, is a trick question. It's still too early to tell. Though every effort is being made to push the money out the door rapidly, that has to be balanced with Obama's pledge to spend it wisely, focusing on projects that will create jobs in the near term and lowering the risk of corruption and waste. The result is a spotty record -- at least in terms of approving projects and handing out funds quickly. There's no hard figure on how much has been spent so far, and not many clues on how well it's been spent.

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Mark Willen
Senior Political Editor, The Kiplinger Letter