Obama's Funding 'Flip-Flop' -- Typical Politician?

Obama's decision to skip an earlier pledge to forgo public financing for the general election if his opponent did so will probably allow the Illinois fundraising phenom to outspend John McCain 3-to-1.

Barack Obama's campaign theme is "Change We Can Believe In." For the rest of the election, it might well be "Millions More to Raise." That's in dollars, not people.

Obama's decision to skip an earlier pledge to forgo public financing for the general election if his opponent did so will probably allow the Illinois fundraising phenom to outspend John McCain 3-to-1. But it also raises questions about his keeping commitments, especially when commitments made earnestly and early on turn out to be inconvenient. This sounds like old-style political gamesmanship and calculation, not the message of change Obama had been preaching...

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Richard Sammon
Senior Associate Editor, The Kiplinger Letter