Time to Tackle Credit Card Bills

If you charged your way through the holidays, brace yourself for the mounting bills this month and new federal guidelines that could double your minimum payment. Follow these five steps to get your finances back on track.

So, despite your best intentions, you leaned on your credit card to get through the holidays. You weren't alone -- consumers charged $232 billion on their Visa cards from November 1 to Christmas Day, an 18% increase over the same period the previous year. Now that the eggnog buzz has worn off, it's time to face the bills.

But you now face an additional challenge in making your monthly payments. In the new year, credit card issuers are requiring higher minimum payments due to new federal guidelines aimed at encouraging consumers to pay off their debt sooner. That means your minimum payment could double -- rising from 2% to 4% of your balance, says Ed Mierzwinski, consumer program director for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group. And just in time for those holiday bills.

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Erin Burt
Contributing Editor, Kiplinger.com