Gas Ad Makes Head Hurt

OK, we all know that political ads play fast and loose with facts and logic.

OK, we all know that political ads play fast and loose with facts and logic. But do we really want to descend into an Orwellian world where what you stand for depends entirely on convenience -- or on what day of the week it is? John McCain has unleashed an ad that blames the high price for gasoline specifically on Barack Obama for taking the exact position that McCain held until a month ago.

"Gas prices: $4, $5, no end in sight, because some in Washington are still saying no to drilling in America," the ad narrator intones grimly. While the point is to try to turn the fury that drivers experience every time they fuel up their car toward Obama, the ad ought to infuriate anyone who thinks brains have a greater purpose than to keep our ears several inches apart. Blaming Obama for high gas prices is as absurd as blaming him for bad tomatoes (or jalepeno peppers) as the folks at Politifact cleverly put it in taking the the ad apart, piece by piece.

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