10 Insect Superheroes

You might have heard the buzz: Our payback for the warm winter and early spring will be larger-than-usual hordes of mosquitoes, midges, aphids, termites and other bad actors this summer.

(Image credit: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Bugwood.org)

You might have heard the buzz: Our payback for the warm winter and early spring will be larger-than-usual hordes of mosquitoes, midges, aphids, termites and other bad actors this summer.

The silver lining? There's a bug cavalry of sorts on the way, also courtesy of mild weather: armies of voracious insects that feast on the bad bugs. These "good" bugs will help limit bad-bug infestations of farmers' crops, keep ecosystems in balance and may even save you from an extra bug bite or two.

Here are 10 predator insects that soon will be thwarting the evildoers in fields, orchards, forests, parks, lawns and gardens.

Ed Maixner
Editor, The Kiplinger Agriculture Letter
Maixner was a student of news writing, agriculture and public policy before starting as editor of The Kiplinger Agriculture Letter in 2003. Raised on a ranch in western North Dakota, he kept a foot in the family farm and the farm news beat through 20 years with North Dakota newspapers – interrupted to study economics and finance while finishing an MA degree in journalism as a Kiplinger fellow at Ohio State University. Ed worked on legislation in agriculture, natural resources and international trade as an aide in the U.S. House and Senate, then ran a Washington, D.C., agricultural news bureau before joining Kiplinger. He was president of the North American Agricultural Journalists in 2011-12.