Trump vs. Clinton: 10 Ways the Next President Will Impact Your Wallet

The policies that Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump say they'll bring to the White House could have a dramatic impact on your wallet, your job, your health care and your retirement.

The policies that Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump say they'll bring to the White House could have a dramatic impact on your wallet, your job, your health care and your retirement. Here’s where the two candidates stand on major economic and financial issues, with key differences in their approaches. We also threw in a few campaign quotes that help illustrate their views. Take a look:

Meilan Solly
Solly is a intern. She is a junior studying English and anthropology through the Joint Degree Programme between the College of William & Mary and the University of St. Andrews. Solly serves as the deputy editor of The Saint, St. Andrews' student newspaper, and an associate blogs editor of The Flat Hat, William & Mary's student newspaper.