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The Power of Living Within Your Means
Budgeting Budgeting is work, but it allows you to spend your money on what you value most.
By Miriam Cross Published
Budgeting -
7 Ways to Retire Without a Mortgage
retirement Admit it: Whether you're 35 or 65, the prospect of retiring without a mortgage is an attractive one.
By Michael DeSenne Published
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A Money Lesson for Newlyweds (and Other Lovers)
retirement Roses on Valentine's Day are a romantic classic, but what's even better for a strong, happy marriage? Money harmony. And it all starts with an honest talk and shared strategy.
By Marguerita M. Cheng, CFP® & RICP® Published
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3 Scenarios That Could Derail Your Retirement
retirement Even the best-laid plans for retirement can suddenly go awry if a major life event strikes.
By Eileen Ambrose Published
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We Welcome Your Feedback
Financial Planning Tell us your thoughts -- we are listening.
By Mark Solheim Published
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Keep Student Loans From Strangling Your Retirement Plans
retirement Understand your options for handling student debt.
By Eleanor Laise Published
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Kids Leaving Home? How New Empty Nesters Can Save, Invest
savings Whether your kids are off to college or to kindergarten, becoming an empty nester could free up a big chunk of money for parents. It could help fund your retirement or pay off your mortgage in half the time.
By Lisa Brown, CFP®, CIMA® Published
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When It Pays to Bend Financial Rules
Financial Planning Financial rules of thumb take a lot of the guesswork out of money issues, but one size may not fit all.
By Miriam Cross Published
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Customers Get a Break on Medical Debt
credit & debt Consumers get more time to settle a medical bill before it harms their credit.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
credit & debt