7 Foreign Countries Luring Americans to Work Abroad During the Pandemic

Work remotely – really remotely – in these appealing destinations offering special visas for American workers.

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Tired of working remotely from your kitchen table during these pandemic days? If there are no restrictions on where you can plop down your work laptop, consider a sunny Caribbean island or an idyllic European village as your office for the next year.

Despite COVID-19 still spreading throughout the globe, a growing list of mostly small, tourist-reliant countries are opening their borders to remote workers. These countries have special visas that allow foreigners – including Americans – to live and work remotely for a year or more. Participants must already be employed in their home country or a freelancer, and are prohibited from taking employment in the host country. Health insurance and minimum income levels generally are required, though specifics vary from country to country.

Take a look at seven countries with remote working opportunities:

Sean Lengell
Associate Editor, The Kiplinger Letter

Sean Lengell covers Congress and government policy for The Kiplinger Letter. Before joining Kiplinger in January 2017 he served as a congressional reporter for eight years with the Washington Examiner and the Washington Times. He previously covered local news for the Tampa (Fla.) Tribune. A native of northern Illinois who spent much of his youth in St. Petersburg, Fla., he holds a bachelor's degree in English from Marquette University.