Stocks vs Options: Which Should You Trade?

Answering the question "stocks vs options" will depend on your own risk tolerance, investing objectives and understanding of market dynamics.

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Options trading has surged in popularity in recent years. With that, market participants just learning about this financial instrument might wonder if they should trade options or stocks. 

The choice holds the power to significantly shape your financial journey. While the decision ultimately rests with you and what makes the most sense for your investing needs and goals, it's imperative to understand the key distinctions between stocks and options so that you can make an informed and strategic decision.

Stocks are the more widely known and understood choice. Generally, trading a stock means that you are trading a portion of a company, in a straightforward way. The definition of an option, on the other hand, is an intricate financial instrument that grants the holder of the contract the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specified time frame. 

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Here, we take a look at stocks vs options to help you determine which path you should be taking — keeping in mind it's not always an "either/or" situation, you can also do both.

The case for buying stocks instead of options

Stocks can give investors a steady path to long-term growth. For many buy-and-hold investors, putting their money into stocks resembles nurturing a young sapling, with the promise of witnessing it grow into a mighty oak over time. 

While short-term volatility may present challenges, historical data supports the notion of consistent growth over extended periods. A patient approach is often rewarded with fruitful returns.

Additionally, in comparison to options, stocks carry lower inherent risk, offering a haven of stability for investors seeking consistent and gradual returns. While many of the best long-term investment stocks might not dazzle with rapid gains, they serve as a dependable source of steady returns.

Another perk is that when we buy stock we become a stakeholder in the company, granting us the privilege to participate in crucial decision-making processes. Furthermore, shareholders may receive dividends, providing an opportunity to generate passive income. This is particularly an appealing choice for retirement planning.

The case for buying options instead of stocks 

The allure of options rests in their potential for substantial gains, seemingly akin to a captivating high-stakes game. Yet, this potential reward is equally matched by the risk of significant losses. To navigate this terrain successfully, investors must possess a profound understanding of market dynamics and a keen ability to manage risk. Given the high-risk nature of options trading, it is imperative to know just what options are before trading them in your portfolio.

For one, options are contracts and they come with an expiration date, demanding astute decision-making with an emphasis on timing. As the clock ticks, the value of the options may erode, making prompt action essential to limit risk and capitalize on opportunities. There is no expiration date on a stock position.

Options also open the door to a myriad of strategic possibilities. Investors can either buy, sell, or short stocks, but options allow for a more diverse approach to the market, including with strategies such as covered calls, protective puts and straddles. 

And in addition to utilizing these strategies for directional speculation, options can be used to generate income, acquire shares at a predetermined price and hedge against existing positions. 

Should you trade options as a beginner?

For new investors, it is prudent to commence their journey with stocks, allowing them to gain a fundamental understanding of market intricacies without exposing themselves to the heightened risks associated with options.

For those interested in dipping their toes into options trading, lower-risk strategies such as selling covered calls against a position you currently own or buying call or put options are a good place to start.

Is it more profitable to trade stocks or options?

Indeed, options possess the capacity to bring in big percentage gains thanks to leverage. Because each option contract represents control of 100 shares of the underlying asset, they can be bought at a fraction of what it would cost to buy those shares outright. This means the percentage gain on a winning options trade can be much larger than a return on a long stock position. 

However, investors must exercise caution, as this leverage amplifies both gains and losses.

Those looking for steady returns would be wise to focus their efforts on sturdy blue chip stocks or Dow Jones stocks that are well-established and known for their defensive characteristics.

The bottom line on stocks vs options

As astute investors, our choice between options and stocks necessitates a prudent assessment of our risk tolerance, investment objectives and comprehension of market dynamics. 

For those willing to embrace the thrill of risk and armed with market prowess, options may hold the key to potential gains. Conversely, investors seeking steadfast growth and ownership privileges may find their match in stocks.

It is crucial to recognize that both options and stocks possess unique attributes and intricacies. Many seasoned investors adopt a balanced approach, combining both options and stocks in their portfolios to strike a harmonious equilibrium of risk and reward.

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Jared Hoffmann
Contributing Writer,

Jared Hoffmann is a highly respected financial content creator and options expert, holding a journalism degree from San Francisco State University. Formerly a Senior Options and Day Trading Editor and on-air personality at Money Morning, he excels in delivering comprehensive options education, technical analysis, and risk management education to traders.