Explore the World as a Roving Retiree

One retired couple proves there's no need to slow down (or settle down) in retirement.


Eager to hit the road, Roxanne and David Draves decided to retire early. Nine years ago, Roxanne gave up her real estate appraisal work, and David left his job doing lift maintenance for a ski area. They rented out their Carbondale, Colo., house, which they later sold, and bought a motor home.

Since then, they've been crisscrossing the U.S., working on 43 Habitat for Humanity building projects in 19 states, watching the Daytona 500 and a Space Shuttle launch in Florida, following Revolutionary and Civil War trails up the east coast, and helping their daughter build a home in Montana.

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Eleanor Laise
Senior Editor, Kiplinger's Retirement Report
Laise covers retirement issues ranging from income investing and pension plans to long-term care and estate planning. She joined Kiplinger in 2011 from the Wall Street Journal, where as a staff reporter she covered mutual funds, retirement plans and other personal finance topics. Laise was previously a senior writer at SmartMoney magazine. She started her journalism career at Bloomberg Personal Finance magazine and holds a BA in English from Columbia University.