Home Prices in the 100 Largest Metro Areas
home What’s happening in the market where you live?
By the editors of Kiplinger's Personal Finance Published
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Buying Your Dream Retirement Home – Think Before You Leap
retirement The wrong home, or the wrong place, can undo a lot of the retirement saving and planning you've worked so hard to achieve.
By Lisa Brown, CFP®, CIMA® Published
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Home Prices Take a Breather
real estate Prices will continue rising, but more slowly, as the housing market regains some balance between buyers and sellers.
By Patricia Mertz Esswein Published
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10 Things You Didn't Know About Living in a Tiny Home
home It's a lazy weekend and you’re plunked down on the couch channel surfing.
By Andrea Browne Taylor Published
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Is a Rental Property the Best Way to Grow Your Wealth?
investing A rental real estate investment can seem like a great way to build your wealth (and maybe generate a little extra income), but how often does it really work out that way?
By Paul V. Sydlansky, CFP Published
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Great Tiny Homes for Retirement
Making Your Money Last If you're planning for retirement, downsizing is likely near the top of your to-do list.
By Andrea Browne Taylor Published
Making Your Money Last -
Is Downsizing in Retirement Right for You?
retirement A smaller home, with fewer possessions to weigh you down and lower bills to boot: What's not to like? For many folks, downsizing makes a lot of sense, but there are a few points to consider.
By Mike Piershale, ChFC Published
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10 Cool Things Your Google Home Smart Speaker Can Do
Technology Search giant Google says its AI-powered voice assistant, Google Assistant, can do more than 1 million actions.
By Brad Moon Published
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How Much Did Things Cost in the 1980s?
Smart Buying We look back at prices on everyday items, from gas and stamps to milk and eggs, in 1985, the midpoint of the decade, and compare them to today's prices.
By Andrea Browne Taylor Published
Smart Buying