The Bodacious Benefits of a Donor Advised Fund

From a bevy tax breaks to the opportunity to involve family members and future generations in a legacy of giving, donor advised funds add leverage and flexibility to a comprehensive financial plan.

(Image credit: Thomas Demarczyk)

Since 1931, donor advised funds have been offered by local community foundations and more recently have become available through broker-sponsored charitable gift funds. They are something akin to a marriage between a private foundation and a mutual fund.

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Lorraine Ell, CEO
Investment Adviser Representative, Better Money Decisions

I'm the CEO of Better Money Decisions (B$D) and co-author of the blog Better Financial Decisions. As a principal of B$D, I'm excited to continue my long career as an investment professional. Living and working in places as diverse as Saudi Arabia and Budapest, Hungary, has given me a unique perspective on the world of investing. My book, "Bozos, Monsters and Whiz-Bangs: Bad Advice from Financial Advisors and How to Avoid It!" is an insider's guide to finding the right adviser.