Can This Remarkable Bull Market Continue?

Keep charging ahead with the bull by investing in stocks of large, blue-chip companies.

On March 9, the bull market will celebrate its second birthday. The ascent has made investors giddy -- at least those who weren't permanently scared away from the stocks by the devastating 2007-09 bear market. Since the nadir in 2009, Standard & Poor's 500-stock index has more than doubled on a total-return basis -- that is, including dividends. Year-to-date through February 10, the index has already gained 5.3%. What is driving this remarkable ascent, can it continue, and do any bargains remain?

The answers, in short: Behind the surging market is an improving economic picture and boffo corporate earnings. Yes, the bull still has legs and could easily continue to charge for another six to 12 months. And the best opportunities are in the stocks of large, blue-chip companies.

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Contributing Writer, Kiplinger's Personal Finance