Five Stocks to Steady Your Portfolio

Inflation fears have rocked the market's boat. But your portfolio doesn't have to capsize. These five stocks should help you weather rough waters no matter what the Fed decides to do with interest rates.

Are the market's ups and downs (and downs and downs) getting you down, too? Stocks the past month have been more volatile than at any time in the past three years. Wall Street is fixated on inflation -- in particular whether it's getting out of hand -- and every speck of information is immediately reflected in the stock market by raucous rallies or dismal declines.

For investors unused to bungee-cord volatility, what's needed now is the calming influence of some ballast stocks. No, we're not recommending Florida Rock. What we do suggest, to limit your volatility, is that you load into your portfolio stocks that are resistant to oversized price swings, particularly swings pointed downward. Just as ballast in a ship's hold keeps the ship calm in rough waters, so will these stocks steady your investments, as well as your nerves, while the inflation bulls and bears fight it out. The good thing about the five ballast stocks we're suggesting is that you don't compromise future rewards by owning them. Each has excellent prospects, in addition to low volatility and resistance to downdrafts.

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