Three Steps for Couples Navigating the Money Maze

Whether you’re combining your finances or keeping them separate, being on the same page and communicating often and regularly are key.

A piggy bank sits in the middle of a circular maze.
(Image credit: Getty Images)

All the wonderful traits that make you compatible as a couple may not mean you are financially compatible. According to a Fidelity Investments Couples & Money Study, one in five couples identifies money as their greatest relationship challenge. However, finances don’t have to be a point of contention, even though money can be a sensitive — and personal — topic. Here are a couple of tips to smooth out these discussions and navigate the money maze as a couple.

1. Decide on a plan of action.

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Kelli Kiemle, AIF®
Managing Director of Growth and Client Experience, Halbert Hargrove

Kelli Kiemle holds multiple roles with Halbert Hargrove. As Managing Director of Growth and Client Experience, she sets the tone for the quality and character of Halbert Hargrove's client service relationships. She also manages the associate wealth advisers and client service managers. Kelli is also responsible for overseeing the firm's wide-ranging marketing and communications initiatives, including their mentor program.