Explore Commodities
How to Explain Bitcoin to Your Grandchildren
investing A monetary blast from the past: To understand today's new cryptocurrencies, it helps to take a look at how currencies evolved in the first place.
By Neale Godfrey, Financial Literacy Expert Published
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Should You Invest in Commodities?
commodities Investments in crops, metals, energy, currencies and other tangible things tend to go up when stocks and bonds go down.
By James K. Glassman Published
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7 Reasons Bitcoin Is Doomed
investing A crash in this and other cryptocurrencies is inevitable.
By Steven Goldberg Published
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Bitcoin: Why You Should NOT Invest in Today's Fool's Gold
investing If Bitcoin is at $10,000 today it's because the fool who bought it for $10,000 is hoping another greater fool will pay $12,000 for it tomorrow. But what do you get for your money? What's it worth? That's the problem.
By Vitaliy Katsenelson, CEO and CIO Published
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Commodities: A “Golden” Way to Play the Improving Economy
investing If you don’t own commodities, add them. If you do … add a little more.
By Michael Kahn Published
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Flying Blind With Bitcoin: Should You Invest, too?
investing My own kids dabble in bitcoin. If you feel compelled to join the crowd, I have three pieces of advice for you.
By Bradford M. Pine Published
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10 Top Funds for a 2018 Gusher in Energy Stocks
investing The Northeast and the Midwest were brought to a standstill in late 2017 thanks to a nasty winter storm, followed by record-breaking cold to start the new year.
By Michael Foster Published
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The 5 Best Investments You Can Make in 2018
Investor Psychology The strangest of years will be drawing to a close in just a few weeks.
By Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA Published
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Should You Be Tempted to Invest in Bitcoin?
investing The recent eye-popping gains in the cryptocurrency are hard to ignore, but the proposition may not be as sexy as it sounds.
By Taylor Schulte, CFP Published