Knight Kiplinger
Knight came to Kiplinger in 1983, after 13 years in daily newspaper journalism, the last six as Washington bureau chief of the Ottaway Newspapers division of Dow Jones. A frequent speaker before business audiences, he has appeared on NPR, CNN, Fox and CNBC, among other networks. Knight contributes to the weekly Kiplinger Letter.
Latest articles by Knight Kiplinger
When Firms Are Hurting, the Pain Should be Shared
business Ethical options for firms facing a genuine crisis.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
business -
Spend, If You Can
Smart Buying Acting as you normally would will help offset belt-tightening by those in genuine distress.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Smart Buying -
Employers Owe Laid-Off Workers Extra Help
business Assistance packages should be sweetened when jobs are scarce in a recession.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
business -
Should I Lend $50,000 to My Brother-In-Law?
spending Is it possible to lend money to family without it affecting the relationship for the worst? Plus, what to do in case of a banking error in your favor.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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TLC for Your 401(k)
retirement If your retirement plan has taken a beating, don't give up on it now, advises Knight Kiplinger.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
retirement -
Obama Not First President To Inherit Bad Economy
Politics To hear all the talk about the Great Depression and the New Deal, you'd think that Barack Obama is the first president since Franklin D.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Don't Force Mom Into a Reverse Mortgage
retirement Putting undue pressure on a loved one is unethical, regardless of the merits of the case.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Pretending to be in Distress?
credit & debt If you qualify for help from a mortgage-relief program but you don't really need it, should you take it?
By Knight Kiplinger Published
credit & debt -
Why I'm Buying Stocks
investing A few years from now, we'll look back on this grim period as one of the great buying opportunities.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
investing -
Eight Keys to Financial Security
savings Pay yourself first. Protect your loved ones. Borrow sparingly. And don't go for the home run.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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When Students Plan to Take the Money and Run
Paying for College Is it okay to accept an ROTC scholarship and drop out of the program later to avoid paying back the grant? Plus, should a restaurant take responsibility for a patron's allergic reaction?
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Paying for College -
A Depression Coming? Not Likely
Economic Forecasts Expect to see a recession similar to those in the 1970s and early 1980s.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Economic Forecasts -
Why Should Seniors Get the Discounts?
Making Your Money Last Lower prices for the elderly herald from a bygone era, but they're not going anywhere. Plus, when is imitation not flattery?
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Making Your Money Last -
A New Economic Agenda
Politics Small changes won't do the trick. Here are eight bold initiatives we need.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Don't Call It a Bailout
Economic Forecasts The government plan is an economic rescue for America, rather than a sweet deal for Wall Street.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Economic Forecasts -
Just Say No to Handouts for Sports Teams
Tax Breaks Team owners should pay for their own facilities as other business do. Plus, is it okay to leave one child a larger inheritance than another?
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Tax Breaks -
Does Charity Begin at Home or Abroad?
spending Is better to support those in need in the U.S. or focus on those in the poorest nations?
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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We Have Met the Enemy
Politics Who's to blame for our economic woes? Let's all look in the mirror.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Should a Rich Kid Accept a College Scholarship?
Paying for College Should colleges offer scholarships to wealthy students in the first place? Knight Kiplinger tackles the ethics of financial aid.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Paying for College -
Failed CEOs Should Take Their Lumps
Business Costs & Regulation When top executives make a mess of their companies -- and share prices -- they should be embarrassed to accept lavish severance packages.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Business Costs & Regulation -
What to Do When Your Client Acts Erratically
business If an elderly client shows signs of mental impairment, is it any of your business?
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Barack Obama: He's No John F. Kennedy
Politics I'm beginning to hear more and more people compare Barack Obama to President John F.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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A Strategy for All Times
Investor Psychology This article was published in the July 2002 edition of Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Investor Psychology -
Stock Options for the Rest of Us?
Markets Ethical companies offer similar benefits to all employees from the CEO to the lowest clerk. Plus, is it O.K. to share a Wi-Fi signal?
By Knight Kiplinger Published