Assets Deployed

Military personnel enjoy unique opportunities.

Frustrated that so much financial advice doesn't apply to them, military personnel bombard Kiplinger's with questions -- including many e-mails from members of the armed services who are serving in Iraq. As the wife of an Army doctor who has been deployed to Iraq twice in the past three years, I can appreciate that military families have unique needs when it comes to such things as tax rules, retirement and estate planning.

Patrick Beagle, a former helicopter pilot, retired from the Marines as a lieutenant colonel and opened a fee-based financial-planning practice that specializes in helping military families. Below, we offer financial advice from Beagle, along with words of wisdom from military personnel who are doing a heroic job of managing their money while serving their country.

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Kimberly Lankford
Contributing Editor, Kiplinger's Personal Finance

As the "Ask Kim" columnist for Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Lankford receives hundreds of personal finance questions from readers every month. She is the author of Rescue Your Financial Life (McGraw-Hill, 2003), The Insurance Maze: How You Can Save Money on Insurance -- and Still Get the Coverage You Need (Kaplan, 2006), Kiplinger's Ask Kim for Money Smart Solutions (Kaplan, 2007) and The Kiplinger/BBB Personal Finance Guide for Military Families. She is frequently featured as a financial expert on television and radio, including NBC's Today Show, CNN, CNBC and National Public Radio.