What My Mom Did Right: An Estate Planning Success Story

After my dad died, my mom diligently updated her end-of-life documents -- will, durable power of attorney and advance directives -- and filed them away.

After my dad died, my mom diligently updated her end-of-life documents -- will, durable power of attorney and advance directives -- and filed them away. But even the best-laid plans can wobble. During her first brush with death in early 2008, she didn't have the advance directive documents with her. I was four hours away by car and my sister even farther, and cousins sent to her house to retrieve the "manila folder" couldn't find it. Later, I found the critical papers in a big white envelope, which I labeled, "THIS IS IT."

After our wake-up call, Mom sent me to register the power of attorney at the county courthouse so that I could begin managing her financial affairs while she could still answer my questions. That experience proved to be great training for me in my later role as executor. We visited her bank (a phone call wouldn't suffice) to add me as a co-signatory of her safe-deposit box, giving me access as needed.

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Patricia Mertz Esswein
Contributing Writer, Kiplinger's Personal Finance
Esswein joined Kiplinger in May 1984 as director of special publications and managing editor of Kiplinger Books. In 2004, she began covering real estate for Kiplinger's Personal Finance, writing about the housing market, buying and selling a home, getting a mortgage, and home improvement. Prior to joining Kiplinger, Esswein wrote and edited for Empire Sports, a monthly magazine covering sports and recreation in upstate New York. She holds a BA degree from Gustavus Adolphus College, in St. Peter, Minn., and an MA in magazine journalism from the S.I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University.