Michael Finke, Ph.D.

Michael Finke, Ph.D.

Chief Academic Officer, The American College of Financial Services

Michael Finke is the Chief Academic Officer at The American College of Financial Services and former professor and director of the Retirement Planning and Living Center at Texas Tech University. He is also a Research Fellow for The Alliance for Lifetime Income. He received a Ph.D. in consumer economics from The Ohio State University and in finance from the University of Missouri.

Finke received the Integrated Scholar award at Texas Tech University in 2016 for his research supporting the financial planning profession, including retirement income planning, regulation of financial advice, measurement of risk tolerance and the decline in financial literacy in old age. He is the 2013 and 2014 recipient of the Montgomery-Warschauer Award for the most influential paper in financial planning, and the 2017 CFP Board Center for Financial Planning Best Paper Award in Investments.

E-mail: finkem@gmail.com Website: www.michaelfinke.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-finke-8134808/