Washington Matters
How the GOP Tax Bill May Affect Businesses
Business Costs & Regulation Corporations would enjoy a lower flat tax rate while individual owners of pass-throughs would also see a lower rate, but with more complex terms.
By Joy Taylor Published
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The Long Slog in Congress After Comey
Politics Trump's firing of the FBI director ruffled congressional feathers, but not enough to spur an independent investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.
By Sean Lengell Published
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Trump’s Tax Reform Plan Faces Tough Challenges
Politics A one-page outline isn't enough to satisfy a Congress interested in the details — and protecting constituents.
By Sean Lengell Published
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What's Next For Health Care, Trump's Agenda?
insurance Don't be surprised if the president's other top priorities get pushed back to 2018 and beyond.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Trump's Agenda and Challenges
Politics What lies ahead for the President-Elect.
By David Morris Published
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Clinton on Track to Win 2016 Presidential Election
Politics Trump can win the White House, but faces an uphill climb.
By David Morris Published
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New Overtime Rules Will Hit Businesses This Year
Business Costs & Regulation A change in salary threshold will make more workers eligible for extra pay.
By Martha Lynn Craver Published
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Bumpy Road Ahead in 2016 Presidential Race
Politics Trump will get a bounce after the Republican convention, but Clinton is poised to regain ground.
By David Morris Published
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Big Changes for Social Security? Don't Hold Your Breath
retirement Proposals from Clinton and Trump will be helpful in shaping reform down the road.
By Matthew Housiaux Published