Kiplinger Bookshelf
How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking
business You had me at the title: How not to be wrong. Please, order a copy for everyone on the staff, I thought, but be sure to delete that scary “m” word in the subtitle.
By Kevin McCormally Published
business -
Liar's Poker
investing No Lie. Liar's Poker is an unvarnished glimpse into how market traders really think and behave.
By Nicole Duran Published
investing -
Beer and Circus: How Big-Time College Sports Is Crippling Undergraduate Education
Paying for College I’ve always been eager to debate the merits of athletic scholarships: Should college athletes instead be paid? Are these "student athletes" really getting an education while investing so much time and energy in sports? Do schools’ athletes really represent the broader student body? Sperber’s book questions the impact of college athletics programs on the student body at large.
By Robert Long Published
Paying for College -
Showdown at Gucci Gulch
taxes Most everyone agrees that the U.S. tax code is ridiculously complex.
By Sandra Block Published