Jeffrey Gaffney

Attorney at Law, Law Office of Jeffrey Gaffney

Jeffrey Gaffney is a 25-year attorney and retired Navy captain. A graduate of the University of San Diego School of Law, he began his practice helping aggrieved investors recover from unscrupulous stockbrokers. He is an arbitrator for the New York Stock Exchange, the Pacific Stock Exchange and FINRA. Gaffney also serves as a legal fellow with FreeWill, a digital estate planning platform.

After years of securities work, he changed his emphasis to trusts and estates as a way to further protect people and their futures.

Jeff finished 30 years of active and reserve duty in 2015. He enjoyed a successful career with eight years of active time and 22 years of vigorous participation in the reserve. He earned a Masters in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College in 2004. He led two major international exercises, served in the Middle East on several occasions, and had three command tours. His favorite job was a 2.5 year recall to active duty to run the Navy's history programs and museums; sadly this included being on the Navy Yard for the 2013 shooting.

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