Diane M. Winiarski, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Disability Management Specialist

Diane M. Winiarski, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Disability Management Specialist

Director, Allsup Employment Services

Diane Winiarski has 30 years of experience in medical management, vocational rehabilitation and placement services through a variety of roles in managed care, disability and insurance organizations.

She serves as Director of Allsup Employment Services (AES), a national SSA-authorized Employment Network (EN), and oversees AES experts providing specialized help to people with disabilities who are returning to work through the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work (TTW) program. Prior to taking the role, she was Director of Vocational Rehabilitation Services for AES, whose services include career planning, benefits counseling, ongoing employment support and employment retention services.

Phone: 618.407.2013 | Email: d.winiarski@allsup.com | Website: www.allsupemploymentservices.com